Don’t Dry Clean Button-Downs

by Wade Hickok & Marissa Zumbo, October 2023

Dry cleaning can be quite pricey and should only be used when necessary. Yet, many folks are shelling out hefty sums to have their items dry cleaned when, in reality, a good number of them could be machine washed at a significantly lower cost. One common offender in this category is the casual button-down shirt. Many people turn to dry cleaners for their button-downs simply because they want to avoid the hassle of ironing. But here's the good news - there's a better way.

Bring your casual button-down shirts to Big Waves Laundromat! We'll meticulously wash, unwrinkle dry, and hang each shirt for you on a hanger, just like the dry cleaners do. The best part? We achieve the same fantastic results, all while saving you a considerable amount of money. Check out the cost comparison below:

Cost Comparison (Casual Button-Down Shirts)

Now, let's dive into how we do it (and how you can too!):

  • Separate Your Button-Down Shirts: Keep them apart from the rest of your laundry.

  • Spot Treat if Necessary: If there are any stains, give them a little spot treatment and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

  • Unbutton 'Em Up: Unbutton every button on the shirt.

  • Choose the Right Washer: Find a washer that best accommodates your button-down shirts.

  • Opt for Delicate Wash: Use a delicate setting with cold or warm water.

  • Dry with Care: Dry on a delicate cycle (or anything less than 120 degrees) until they're nearly dry.

  • Hang to Finish: Remove them from the dryer and place each shirt on a hanger for air drying. When hanging the shirt, make sure to button up all buttons to ensure a crisp wrinkle-free hung item.

If you're one of our delivery customers or a loyal in-store WDF customer, just let us know that you'd like your button-down shirts hung up. You'll receive the royal treatment we mentioned for only a quarter of the cost of dry cleaning. To help out Big Waves staff, you can always bag any item you want hung to dry too. That's a clear indication to staff that these items need special treatment!

We appreciate you taking the time to read this, and we hope you found these tips helpful. Happy laundering!

*Assumes the shirt weighs approximately 9 ounces (above average for a button down)


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