Loads of Laundry Fun Facts

by Marissa Zumbo, September 2022

For the 9th month of the year, we’re blowing your mind with 9 laundry oriented fun facts!

  1. Early sea voyagers would wash their clothes by putting them in a bag tethered to the ship and tossing them overboard to be dragged behind in the water.

  2. A Monsieur Pochon in France invented the hand-cranked dryer in the early 1800s.

  3. Clothing lines were used as a signaling device during the Revolutionary War.

  4. The first ironing board, which was referred to as an “ironing table,” was first patented in 1858 by W. Vandenburg and J. Harvey.

  5. A chronic shortage of fats to make soap led to the development of a synthetic type of detergent during WW1. Yes, soap used to be made of real FAT.

  6. Astronauts incinerate their dirty undergarments in the Earth’s atmosphere as there are no washers and dryers in space!

  7. The dryer only became a household item in the 1960s as they were too expensive for most families.

  8. 70% of dirt on your clothes is invisible. Most of what makes clothes dirty isn’t actual dirt. It tends to be a combination of things such as sweat, body oils, dead skin cells, and man made products like lotions and soap.

  9. The average person sweats up to 1.5 gallons per day. Very active adults can sweat up to 4 gallons a day.

Have you ever dreamed about laundry? Here are some common laundry dream interpretations, according to psychologists:

  1. If you are doing the laundry in your dream, it suggests that you are changing your image or yourself in some way because you are concerned about how you appear to others

  2. If someone else is doing your laundry in your dream, it means you've been gossiping

  3. If you dream of sorting or folding laundry, it indicates that you are trying to understand your own feelings about something and sorting out what you want to do.

And one more for fun!


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