The Final Word on Removing Red Wine Stains

by Marissa Zumbo, December 2020

It’s the holidays and whether you’re alone in your apartment or quarantining with family, red wine will probably come into play. So let’s learn the best ways to get rid of those pesky red wine stains. The following tips work well for other kinds of stains as well.

If You Catch it Fast:

1. Blot the clothing with a paper towel or cloth. DON’T RUB

2. Apply the stain treatment (see below)

3. Launder in hot water. Do a no heat dryer cycle or hang dry

If it's an Old Stain:

1. Fill a bucket with cold water, place your fabric in it, and let it soak for 30 minutes

2. Apply the stain treatment (see below)

3. Launder in hot water. Do a no heat dryer cycle or hang dry

The Fast Catch: Club Soda

Club soda breaks down the wine's dyes and helps the stain vanish. Blot club soda onto the stain and let it soak overnight. If you're lucky, this will eliminate that fresh wine stain and you won't have to supplement with other methods.

Old Stain, Light Clothes: Dish Soap & Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix together equal parts Dawn dishwashing soap and hydrogen peroxide. Pour the mixture onto the stain and let sit, checking every once in a while to see if the stain has disappeared. If it hasn't, add more mixture until it's gone. Then wash the garment immediately.

Old Stain, Dark Clothes: White Vinegar & Detergent

Cover the stain in white vinegar, which neutralizes purple and red pigments. Immediately after applying the vinegar, rub in liquid laundry detergent, then launder in hot water. The stain should disappear.

There are specifically designed products for getting out wine stains, but who actually plans on being clumsy and spilling wine on themselves? For the rest of us, these are low-cost methods you can use in a pinch.


Sources Cited for Article: stain/#:~:text=Mix%20together%20equal%20parts%20Dawn,stain%2C%20launder%20the%20clothing%20normally.